Static Files

To declare a static route postfix a * to the route’s path

from bobtail import BobTail AbstractRoute, BaseOptions
from bobtail_jinja2 import BobtailJinja2

routes = [
    (Static(), "/static/*"),

class Options(BaseOptions):

    STATIC_DIR = "app/static"
    TEMPLATE_DIR = "app/templates"

blog = BobTail(routes=routes, options=Options())

Calling set_static from within a route method will render a static file such as a .css, .js or a media type file. The BaseOptions class sets the STATIC_DIR directory. For example

class Static(AbstractRoute):
    def get(self, req: Request, res: Response) -> None:

You can set the static file path using the BaseOptions. For example

class Options(BaseOptions):
    STATIC_DIR = "/static"

# Now in a route handler we can access static directory the via options

class Static(AbstractRoute):
    def get(self, req: Request, res: Response) -> None:

By default, STATIC_DIR is set to /static, if your static file is nested within a Python package, for example app/static the set as STATIC_DIR = “app/static”

To render an image from within a Jinja2 template include the full path including the static directory name or path. For example

<!-- if STATIC_DIR = "/static" -->
    <img src="/static/imgs/cat1.jpg" />

OR without the first forward slash

    <img src="static/imgs/cat1.jpg" />